The Craig Van Cast
Hey, I’m Craig. I've dedicated more than a decade to understanding the human spine. Now I’m sharing what I’ve learnt. Get started with my SPINE STRENGTH project - Part 1 is free. Subscribe and you’ll receive my work as I release it.
The Craig Van Cast
41 | A Crash Course in Preventing Back Pain: Understanding Cause and Effect (KK01)
Welcome to the first discussion in the UnSit Your Back series. This discussion aims to give you the information you need to start with the UnSit Your Back movement protocol as soon as possible. We will uncover that the movement protocol is part of a larger whole.
Sign up for the UnSit Your Back course that follows this crash course at
Movement therapy has a necessary partner in crime, and this discussion aims to give you that partner. To be comprehensive and concise at the same time is difficult. So, this discussion is my best attempt to be concise while still providing enough.
The movement protocol is part of what we could consider medicine. To get the benefits of any treatment, we must stop drinking the poison we are trying to fix. To do this, we need to go back to a foundational truth and start from there.
The root principle we will be looking at is cause and effect. Every single situation, state, or condition exists because of conditions or causes that came before it. Conditions cause new conditions, and a causal chain links one moment to the next.
Our condition is the net result of all our physical, mental, and emotional activity. Even the nature vs nurture debate is shaped by our behaviour. There are no shortcuts; we must change our activity to change our condition.
By taking great responsibility, we access the power to change things. Only by acknowledging that we are responsible for our problems can we access the capacity to overcome them. Pain and injury are signals rich with information that can help us optimise our activity.
This has many benefits, but the most valuable is the information that can help us optimise our actions. This is the prime determinant of our experience of life.
@craigvandotcom (on all channels)