the CRAIG VAN cast

#13 Men's Healing w. Richmond Heath

Craig van Heerden

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Welcome to the Craig Van Cast - In this conversation you’re about to hear, Richmond and I pick up from where we were last in episode 12. This time, we moved into the realm of men’s work. It was such an incredible conversation;  we covered role models, what the true meaning of the word PROVIDE is and then what it means to be a provider, we talked about the dance between strength and vulnerability which so many of us men have seemed to struggle with, Richmond also explains how important service and selflessness are, on the journey towards self-actualization . 

We also talk about the inaugural ONLINE MEN’s GATHERING that Richmond is hosting towards the end of March. There is a lot in here, if you are a man and are interested in your growth, or if you know a man that is interested in his growth. And, if you enjoy this conversation, then you’ll love episode 12 and I recommend you go give it a listen as well! Now, I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did - and a big thanks once again, to Richmond Heath. 

Helpful takeaways from this podcast are the following:

  • Generally, there is greater interest in women to do the healing work and to acknowledge their brokenness
  • For most men, there is a culture of ignoring the body, overriding the body, Mind over matter which can help men achieve things but when it is out of balance, it often comes back and causes more harm than good.
  • There is change happening. Nowadays, more western men are opening up to change. There is an uprising of men who are encouraged and supportive to be more vulnerable, to be connected to their bodies and to be in a more harmonious relationship.
  • Men also suffer. 

Reference (book):  Myth of Male Power 

Looking at statistics, men do suffer through their health, relationships, mental well being just like everybody else despite the history of power and privileges.

Reference: Podcast with Jonah Robins -  he said something along the lines of “at our call, when we’re not living out of our trauma or our wounding and we’re in a relaxed physical body, and we feel good inside our body, we are naturally loving, engaged, fair, equal, harmonious-in-relationships people. This is important because being in a position of privilege and power, if we are not able to integrate that and to live in a really integrated, grounded way, we’re using that power and privilege for the benefit of all, then it can be a huge burden and it can come out of the trauma patterns in our culture. 

Continue reading #13 Men's Healing w. Richmond Heath at

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